Father's House

Building God’s family and helping Jews and Gentiles to find a home in the Father’s House


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Father’s House

Our mission

Our mission is to activate, empower and mobilize believers through the fivefold ministry, inspiring them to passionately pursue God’s purpose for Israël, reconcile jews and gentiles, and live victoriously in the abundant grace of God.

Central to our mission is the call to inspire believers to pursue God’s divine purpose for Israel. This is meant to be a blessing to all mankind. It involves understanding and embracing the significance of Israel in God’s redemptive plan and actively supporting initiatives that align with God’s heart for Israel’s restoration and blessing. Therefore we stand in solidarity with the Jewish people against antisemitism.


Furthermore, we are committed to the biblical mandate of reconciling Jews and Gentiles into the “One New Man.” This unity transcends cultural, ethnic, and religious barriers, emphasizing the shared identity and inheritance we have through and in Christ. By fostering mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation between Jews and Gentiles, we embody the love and reconciliation that Christ has accomplished on the cross.


To accomplish the above our dedication to equipping the Body of Christ to live in grace is of absolute importance. Grace is the unmerited Favor and empowerment of God that enables believers to walk in freedom, forgiveness, and righteousness. Through teaching, mentoring, and practical ministry, we empower believers to experience the fullness of God’s grace, leading to transformed lives, restored relationships, and impactful service in the Kingdom.

Our mission is to help to establish the transformative power of the Fivefold ministry, which serves as a catalyst for believers to fervently pursue God’s divine purpose for Israel, foster unity between Jews and Gentiles as the “One New Man”, and equip the Body of Christ to live victoriously in grace.


The Fivefold ministry, comprising apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers, stands as pillars of spiritual guidance and empowerment within the Church. Apostles pioneer new territories, establishing foundations of faith and kingdom principles. Prophets bring divine revelation, insight and power, guiding believers in aligning with God’s will and purposes. Evangelists passionately spread the Gospel, leading souls to Christ and igniting a fervour for salvation. Pastors nurture and care for God’s flock, providing pastoral care, example, and spiritual nourishment. Teachers impart knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, equipping believers to grow in faith and maturity.

Mission in short



Fivefold ministry: Inspiring believers to passionately pursue God’s divine purpose for Israel. Reconciling Jews and Gentiles into “One New Man” and Equipping the Body of Christ to live in Grace. Watch the video for an in-depth explanation.

The team

Father's house

The core team of the Father’s House includes individuals with successful backgrounds in the church arena and business. The multi-disciplinary team has a passion to get this ministry active.

Marcel Gaasenbeek

Pastor Marcel is the Chairman and Visionary. His experience includes the role as a senior pastor in a local church and leading a youth ministry in Netherlands.


Thereafter, he became the senior pastor of a local church in the Netherlands, and his eyes started to open for Israel. Marcel stepped down from the role, in 2019 and seeked God for guidance on next steps.


Marcel believes God has called him to lead the Father’s House and to become a pastor for pastors, introducing church leadership to Israel and exploring ministry as the One New Man. Aiming for churches to reach the lost, both Jew and Gentile.

Hans Groeneveld

Hans is a mentor and entrepreneur in global ministry, operating with a prophetic gift. As a visionary and strategist, he seeks opportunities to help our clients amplify their message in the Netherlands and across Europe.


With over 40 years of experience in the European music and media industry, Hans brings valuable contacts, fresh ideas, and actively pursues opportunities to expand the reach of the message. His passion for new technologies drives him to continuously challenge the team to anticipate future trends and explore how new media can be used for the extension of Gods Glory.

Aden Friedman

Aden Friedman is a Jewish believer in Jesus with a strong Orthodox Jewish background. Driven by a deep passion to share the gospel with his fellow Jewish people, Aden is also dedicated to developing leaders within the Body of Messiah. His missionary work has spanned across South Africa, Israel, and Canada.


With extensive training in theology, evangelism, and leadership development, Aden currently serves as the Leader of Jews for Jesus Canada, where he continues to pursue his calling with commitment and purpose

Father's House
